On the afternoon of June 23, 2022, in Rome, the launch event of the innovative American spin-off MAGISNAT, based at Atlanta Tech Park, was held.



This event was attended by leading American and Italian Professors and Researchers, who specialize in the study of certain pathologies and in research on natural molecules.

Their collaboration is crucial, as they contribute to reach MAGISNAT’s goals, such as: the sponsorship of the two Hydroxytyrosol-based dietary supplements, the organization of research projects on polyphenols to be used in different areas, the development of patents, and the importance of the Mediterranean diet in the treatment of numerous pathologies.

Among the American figures who animated the conference we can name: Prof. Stephen T. Connelly, University of California, known for his important studies on natural molecules and Alzheimer’s disease; Prof. Jonh Paul SanGiovanni, BIO5 Institute & School of Nutritional Sciences and Wellness at the University of Arizona, who is working on studies on certain nutrient constituents of the Mediterranean diet that are of essential importance in dealing with conditions of retinal degeneration; Prof. Peng Jin, Emory University of Atlanta, who focused on the importance of natural molecules in the treatment of certain diseases; and finally Prof. Karen L. Herbst, Department of Medicine of the University of Arizona, who is devoting herself to the study of lipoedema, highlighting how the Mediterranean diet is among the possible treatments for this condition.

On the other hand, among the Italian professors who participated in the event it is essential to name: Prof. Benedetto Falsini, Institute of Ophthalmology at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, who is working on nutrition in hereditary retinal degeneration; Prof. Amerigo Iaconelli, Department of Internal Medicine at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, who is an expert on the Mediterranean diet and its importance for people’s well-being; Prof. Sandro Michelini, San Giovanni Battista Hospital, Rome, whose research has succeeded in discovering the first lipedema gene; and Prof. Pietro Chiurazzi, University Polyclinic Foundation “A. Gemelli”, Medical Genetics, Rome, who is working on the study of fragile X syndrome.

There are still many more things that MAGISNAT has set out to do, but this event was the first step toward important and interesting collaborations between American and Italian research.





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